BitcoinZ listed in Changelly

BitcoinZ listed in Changelly

BitcoinZ Community has made it again!

Another very important listing has been delivered. Changelly has integrated offering BitcoinZ  to a broader audience and facilitating direct conversions between fiat and BTCZ.

The users can now find BTCZ in Changelly’s Decentralized Exchange section after selectingBSC Network.

Please take in mind that you should use only wBTCZ tokenized units of the coin and not native BTCZ.

In order to swap wBTCZ to native BTCZ and vice versa you can always use theConnectZ platform.

An easy guide about ConnectZ can be found here.

Soon, with this listing in Changelly there will be more wallet integrations for BitcoinZ and Fiat to BTCZ swaps.