A proposal suggesting a new model for the future BITCOINZ Community Funds (VAULTZ) is in the BITCOINZ forum.

All the Community members can discuss and of course cast their vote by just using their accounts in the forum.

The voting procedure will be open until 6 September.


So what is the proposal for the usage of the next 4 years VaultZ funds about ?

The proposal is about planning & acting. To do things with the future funds in yearly basis, in all the directions that we consider that the project currently seems to “lag”, empowering this way its expansion and the already gathered funds in the Community Treasury as well.

The members can find a FAQ section in the forum for the most common questions.

BITCOINZ VaultZ next era

What is VaultZ and what happens after the upcoming halving?

As you probably already know, VaultZ is a democratized donation mechanism that the whole Community decided and voted for, with an extreme majority, defining even its exact percentage (5%) before a couple of years. – more info at https://getbtcz.com/what-is-bitcoinzs-vaultz/ 13

Soon BITCOINZ is closing its 4th year of life and is going to have its first halving. Like with the classic Bitcoin or other pure crypto, that means that all the blocks will now give half of the coins that used to give as reward to the supporters of the network (miners) for the next 4 years. (6750 coins instead of 12500 coins per block). Then the rewards will be halved again and so on, reducing this way the BITCOINZ emission rate and providing the classic deflationary effect to our network.


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