Usually each coin has its own wallet options, aka its own applications for every operating system and device type. So, with their e-wallets , the users are able to create new addresses for the specific cryptocurrency and send or receive payments to these addresses.
A very important notice
It is very important to note that a coin should be sent ONLY to addresses of this specific coin type. For example, sending Bitcoin coins to a Digibyte address would definetely not work and would even lead to the loss of the BTC coins.
This is especially dangerous for coins which have the same address type/format , like BitcoinCash and Bitcoin or BitcoinZ and ZCash, because these addresses look quite similar with each other.
What is a multi-wallet or a multi-crypto wallet?
A cryptocurrency multiwallet is an application that allows cryptocurrency users to store and retrieve their digital assets, exactly like a normal e-wallet does, with the special feature that they can use the same application for storing many different coins.
So the multiwallets have the advantage that can create different types of addresses, hosting different coins. This way, multiwallets enable the user to manage a whole portofolio of different assets with just one application.
The shortcoming of this, is the danger of centralizing too many coins and funds in just one program that could potentially attract hackers. This is the reason why some users always prefer to use the original single wallets for each asset.
There are however many popular multiwallet choices with increased security that people have loved to use like Coinomi, Zelcore, SafePay, Vidulum, Jaxx and Exodus.
Functionality of the e-wallet apps
All cryptocurrency wallet apps are offering backup options, letting the user to store the private keys for each coin address that he is using. Thus the user can restore his wallet with his funds just by importing the private keys in the wallet application. This is extremely useful in case that his device is lost or malfunctions.
Some wallets are also offering encryption options, like an extra password protection, securing that there will be no illegal use of the application.
Other types of cryptocurrency wallets
A couple of extra wallet options for cryptocurrencies are the paper and the hardware wallets.
The paper wallets eliminate the risk of cyber attacks. Because with this option, the user is getting his public address and private key printed on a paper. Consequently, he is free to store it in a safe place and there is no cyber risk since the access to the private key can be achieved only with this stored paper. However, there are physical risks like for example a fire or a theft if the paper is falling to the wrong hands. This is why the user has to choose very carefully where he is going to store his paper wallet.
The hardware multiwallets are stand-alone devices (quite like a smart usb with small display and buttons). These solutions have the advantage that they don’t require a major device like a PC or a mobile phone, therefore they are much more portable and offer sophisticated encryption options. Some popular examples are Ledger Nano S and Trezor.
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