The date for the next Z-Brain Meeting: 22-January-2022.
Mark your calendars and join the next Z-BRAIN meeting because it is among the most important ones in the history of the Project. It is the very first Z-Brain of the New Year and the one where we will see the New Version of the BITCOINZ’s Dynamic Roadmap for the 2022-2023.
-Learn everything about the top truly Community driven Cryptocurrency Project.
-Discuss with the developers and the other BITCOINZ members.
-Be a part of this unique puzzle of decentralized development for a better world with freedom & equality.
Get your invitation link by scanning the qr code, by clicking on the envelope or by just clicking on the countdown in the main page of the site.
What is Z-BRAIN exactly ?
ZBrain is the on-line conference that is organized by the BITCOINZ Community.
ZBrain meetings take place 2 times per year, one in Winter and another in Summer, in fixed dates that are announced in the BitcoinZ Discord Channel and by all the Community’s social media profiles. Everyone is free to watch the meeting in Youtube.
The visitors and friends of can:
1. Learn about the development of the BTCZ ecosystem and the the general progress of its Dynamic Roadmap.
2. See a brief description of recent news and the targets of the near future.
3. Interact with some of the most active members of the BITCOINZ Community in the communication channels or even by a representative that participates in the meeting.
4. Even add new targets in the Project’s Dynamic Roadmap by presenting ideas that can be implemented.
The “Z Brain” meetings series which are now an important part of the Project, had been firstly described in the Roadmap 2019-2021 of the BitcoinZ Project.
This is called “Dynamic Roadmap” because it is not a static plan that a specific team has designed and presented. It is an ever evolving Roadmap, highly controlled by the members of the BTCZ Community. That’s why the Z-Brain concept itself plays a key role for the maximization of the Decentralization and Democracy of the BITCOINZ Project.